Delahanty, Rosen Win PIE Registrations at SWPTA


Delahanty, Rosen Win PIE Registrations at SWPTA

Michael Delahanty, Operations Manager, Parking & Transportation Services at the  University of Arizona and Roberta J. Rosen, President & Chief Executive Officer of
Turbo Data Systems, Inc. were winners of full registrations for the Parking Industry Exhibition to be held at the end of March 2015 in Chicago. The drawn was held in conjunction with the Southwest Parking and Transportation Association Annual Meeting held last week in Las Vegas.

SWPTA President Brett Wood presided over the drawing at the event’s luncheon.

Delehanty and Rosen join  Chris Hankins, CPP, Vice President, Colonial Parking and Ron Given, Director of Financial Services, Brekford who won their registrations at the MAPA conference and Charles Kindred, Parking Manager of the City of Pasadena, CA, who won a full registration at the Parking Mixer held three weeks ago in Los Angeles.

The next drawings will be held at the New York Parking Association next week, the National Parking Association Conference in Las Vegas, and at the California Public Parking Association annual conference held in November in Los Angeles. Parking Pros not attending selected parking events can register for a drawing for complimentary PIE registrations at the web site.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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