Year: 2022

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2022…With Gratitude

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” Meister Eckhart 1260-1327 I have been discussing

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Is Hell Freezing over?

It must be pretty chilly in Hell these days, as I have been told that it will freeze over when I’m right. Well, tell Satan

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Merry Christmas

From the Scripture according to Luke… And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the

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Why not Drive?

Upwards of a quarter of a million people will fly out of LAX today and most will get to the airport by private vehicle. They

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Thanksgiving 2022

“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.” ― Meister Eckhart When we think about Thanksgiving, we most often think about

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Veteran’s Day, 2022

When one writes about a recurring topic, we try to make the approach different from last time. It’s difficult when honoring veterans as the themes

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CMPA Meets in Los Angeles

The California Mobility and Parking Association met this week in LA and held a boffo event. Nearly 400 parking pros attended the two day event.I

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It’s Called Life

Kathi Thomas Gibson of the City of Las Vegas spoke to the SWPTA group and caught my eye with this graphic. Yes, its true —

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A bit more on EVs

I was honored to be asked to sit on a panel to present my thoughts on “the Future of Parking” at the annual SWPTA meeting

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No thinking person jokes about disasters, particularly those over which we have no control. One can only imagine the horror that the residents of Ft

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Over the past month, and next month, you will be reading in PT nearly 40 leaders in the parking industry and their take on leadership.

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Every Other Booth

Well, at least it seemed like it. We attended the NPA annual convention and as usual, they did a great job and had well over

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Back to Work, or Else

I am honored that the venerable Wall Street Journal reads this blog. Coming off my piece about working from home, they had nearly a full

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A Great Leader

I’m pulling together the October issue of PT and am humbled by the articles we have on hand. We reached out to organizations industry wide

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To Censor or Not?

We had a bit of a set to here at PT world headquarters when I asked one of our staff to take down a social

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The $50 Steak

I’m not talking about a steak served in a restaurant with a baked potato, creamed spinach, warm sour dough bread, a Caesar salad to start,

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A Parking App that…

I like to read mystery stories.  I just pick out ones that look fairly interesting from Amazon and download them to my kindle.  This weekend

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The New Normal, Bah Humbug

I’m hearing daily about “the new normal.” Consultants and so called Thought Leaders are constantly telling us that we are in a ‘new normal.’ Society,

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Las Vegas is Booming

An article in the Wall Street Journal today noted that the numbers in Las Vegas are at an all time high. This includes visitors, gaming,

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The reviews are in and they are ‘boffo’. The IPMI convention in New Orleans was a grand success. Although I wasn’t in attendance, I’m overwhelmed

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Mobility Hat Trick

I have been confused with the term “mobility.” It seems that our organizations, parking departments, and transportation sections have added the term “mobility” to their

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Parking is Necessary

We are constantly harangued by those who know more than we do that the world’s problems relate back to parking. There is too much of

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We are in the midst of a full court press to get EV charging stations in place to reduce range anxiety for those purchasing EVs.

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Why was this article written?

I have just reread for the fourth time an article published by the Commercial Real Estate Development Association titled “Parking in a Post Pandemic Economy.”

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A New Hope

No, this isn’t another JVH Star Wars reference. It’s just that over the past three years we have been beaten down so much with high

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I Publish Without Comment:

Six Major Problems With “Green” Transition German economist Hans Werner Sinn identifies six major problems with Europe’s fanciful plan to transition to wind and solar

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D Day 1944

When the Americans, Canadians, and British landed on Utah,  Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword beaches on June 6, 1944 everyone involved in the invasion knew

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Memorial Day 2022

I have more to say about the movie Top Gun, Maverick, elsewhere but all I can say here is celebrate Memorial Day and go see

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Easter and Passover

By a quirk of fate, or simply the way the calendar works, today is Good Friday and the beginning of Passover. It’s the day Christians

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Why not plant the trees?

Chase is launching a program to place EV charging at 50 of its branches across the fruited plain. They are partnering with EVgo and plan

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Human Centric?

Elon Musk understood that electric cars don’t work unless there is a convenient way to charge them, particularly on longer trips. Therefore, in tandem with

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Parking Today April

The vagaries of printers and the US mail require us to prepare Parking Today about three weeks before the actual date on the masthead. We

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The saddest time of all

The saddest time of all, I think, is when friends argue. It’s fair to disagree, and discuss differing points of view. However a full blown

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I have glanced back at the recent blogs in this space and find that few if any deal with our hot topic, parking. I don’t

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Why do we do things?

I’m frustrated. We seem to be locked into a path of self-destruction. Folks jump on this bandwagon or that, and because it ‘feels right’ or

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The Torture is Over

As you may remember dear readers, I take most of my news by looking out the window or reporting on things that happen to me.

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Washington and Lincoln

I know I’m a fussbudget, but I liked it back in the dark ages when both President’s birthday’s were celebrated in February, not as it

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Defend your Position —

We find ourselves in the center of a major controversy here in Southern California. Seems the city of Santa Monica has decided to close and

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World Class Nimby

I have to laugh when millionaire politicians and the scions of Silicon Valley speak endlessly about helping the poor and downtrodden, but can’t seem to

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The QR Code Debacle

Well, It seems that enterprising individuals are jumping on the bandwagon and replacing QR codes in certain parking operations in Texas with their own codes.

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Here’s the headline: Automotive Lobbying Group Abandons the Term “Self-Driving” That’s Tesla’s mess to deal with. You can read the article over on Basically

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If I had a Hammer

When Pete Seeger and Lee Hayes wrote this folk song over seventy years ago, they were attempting to promote a Communist event being held in

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My favorite law

The law of unintended consequences it the only law that cannot be changed or repealed. Like laws of physics, it simply is. The law of

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The Nudge

The homeless needs a nudge. That nudge depends on the reason for the homelessness. I see that there are three basic types of homelessness. One

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In Two Sentences or Less…

I firmly believe that if you cannot describe what your company does in two sentences, you don’t fully understand what you are about. Maybe its

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Trust but Verify

I was reading through this morning and came across a story Astrid put up concerning false QR codes and how they can lead you

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A Note from a Friend

I received this from John Clancy. Now retired, John worked in the technology side of the industry for decades. I don’t think this needs any

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Look out the Window

If there is any advice I can give it’s concerning the passing scene. “Look out the window.” Rather than listen to CNN or the New

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