Year: 2020

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Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!! As we contemplate the New Year, today’s quotation over on is most appropriate. Of course it comes from that wondrous quote

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Word is out that Italian based FAAC has purchased TIBA. FAAC is the owner of Hub Parking Technologies, Datapark, and Zeag. You can read the

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High Tech Questions…

The following blog asks at least 16 questions. Can you answer all of them? Or even one of them. When you purchase technology for your

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In Hoc Anno Domini

The phrase In Hoc Anno Domini refers to the conversion of St. Paul on the road to Damascus. Every year, on Christmas Eve, the Wall

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Giving Offense

Why are we so afraid of giving offense? When we do so, who is harmed? We start a phrase “No offense” but…  And the recipient

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New Dates for PIE 2021 

We are fortunate to have been able to nudge the Parking Industry Exhibition forward in time and move the dates to May 17-19. This will

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Is it possible that words or phrases we use have exactly the opposite effect on the reader that we intended? One that comes to mind

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Uncertain Times

Astrid’s piece this morning over at reminds us that there have never been ‘certain times.’ She writes: Every slogan lately includes the words indicating

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Blind Spot

When I began this post I was thinking about the ‘Blind Spot’ of which every single driver should be aware. If you aren’t, you should

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Why Have Vacations?

Parkmobile has done a survey on people taking vacations and where, how long, and whether they drove or took other transportation. You can access the

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LPR – A Hot Topic

The post I wrote a few days ago on License Plate Recognition has exploded on Linkedin. Jordan puts my blogs up on my Linkedin page

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The Act of Voting

I have had two incidents in the past week that have turned me against voting by mail. (Absentee ballots are fine; if you aren’t going

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I was feeling rather punk this past week. Nothing serious but a little achy and kinda like I didn’t want to get out of bed.

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Have you ever noticed how having a deadline focuses your thinking. We are an organization that lives and dies by deadlines, and I find that

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Back in the Day…

Back in the day, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, to get something past an editor and into a newspaper or on a news program (remember

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What if?

We hear daily from those writing about the pandemic that we are entering a “new normal.” This new life means that the typical business style

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Where were you when the twin towers were attacked? If you are more than 25 years old I bet you know. Just as if you

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The Most Important Key

If I asked you what is the most important button on your phone or computer, what would you say? “E” is the one used the

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Millennials are Buying Cars

Over on, Astrid has posted an article from the The Atlantic Magazine. The article posits that millennials are buying cars. Yes, this group that

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Fight or Flight

When we face fear, we are hardwired with two alternatives, fight or flight. In the upcoming issue of PT, Laz Parking’s Dane Neilson takes a

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What if they are Wrong?

We are barraged almost daily from those in ivory towers, mostly from universities and civic planners, telling us just how we should live our lives.

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The Joy and Glory of the Climb

“Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know

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This Looks Good

I was out taking a cover shot for my favorite magazine and parked in the garage below in Pasadena. I was stunned as I hadn’t

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We are Veterans

From Correspondent Joe: We left home as teenagers or in our early twenties for an unknown adventure. We loved our country enough to defend it

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Further to: Race

I received the following via email from a parking planner in Virginia: A thought in response to your musings on parking and race – I

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Is Parking Back?

Is parking back? Will the recovery be a “V” or a lopsided “S”? The answers to these questions mean jobs, profit, and in some cases

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Little Things

Have you ever noticed that sometimes it’s the ‘little things’ that really get under your skin. Minor inconveniences or simply things that catch your attention

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The Masque

OK, I’ll admit it, I am not comfortable wearing a mask. Its hot, its smelly, it fogs my glasses, and frankly I miss seeing the

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The Splendid and the Vile

Author Erik Larson writes historical nonfiction based on tremendous in depth research about his subject. He quotes sources and diarists and blends two or more

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Klaus Gindl

I received word this morning that Klaus Gindl passed away last week after a month long battle with leukemia. Klaus was the true definition of

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About half the people on the street in LA are not wearing masks. Ralphs Grocery in LA seems to be keeping its shelves fully stocked,

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Parking Lot Radio

The Pandemic has inspired innovation. Churches particularly want to hold services and keep social distancing. An outfit in Oregon is developing a “parking lot radio”. 

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Happy Easter

Christians believe that Christ was crucified and died today, 2000 years ago and then was raised from the dead on Sunday and made his way

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Death by PowerPoint    

“OMG, not another Webinar.” How often have you heard or said that, particularly at this time of social distancing? We can’t go to a seminar,

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A temporary gap, pause, break, or absence can be called a hiatus. When your favorite TV show is on hiatus, that means there are no

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A Note from a Friend

I received this from John Clancy. Now retired, John worked in the technology side of the industry for decades. I don’t think this needs any

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Look out the Window

If there is any advice I can give it’s concerning the passing scene. “Look out the window.” Rather than listen to CNN or the New

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