Year: 2009

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They Got Me…..

As you may know, I’ve been running an experiment. I have been either not paying my on street parking or overstaying when I have been

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Parking Feeds my Family

Sometimes we lost track of just where the money comes from. If you work for the parking department of a city or university, your salary

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A Christmas Gift for JVH

The worm is starting to turn. This article send in by Mark tells the tale. Frequent readers know that I believe that free parking makes

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Marty Stein Resigns at NPA

NPA members received this email from NPA Chair Herb Anderson this morning:  The National Parking Association (NPA) announced today that its President, Martin L. “Marty” Stein,

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Jury Duty Part Deux

It’s over, the verdict is in. Yes, he was guilty. It took us about two days to get to the bottom of it. The problem

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I’m Stunned by this one

As Mark points out – This can’t be right: “First off, contrary to a commonly held perception among traders, shoppers were not highly dissatisfied with

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Jury Duty

I’m on it. And we are deliberating. The Judge says we can’t say anything so I won’t, but check back in a few and I

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Down and Out in BH

Was in Beverly Hills today – Used the IPS meters. With a credit card. Seemed to work great. Don’ worry Bobra, I love the regular

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The Not-So-Great Wall of China

It was all over in 30 seconds. A nearly-complete 13-story apartment building in Shanghai China fell over in June, while remaining basically intact. The worst

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OK it’s a day early but I plan to do no work tomorrow…R and I are going to Norm’s restaurant for turkey and all the

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Re: Chicago

By the way, I made no comment on the city’s side of this deal. Actually if you think about it, it’s a good one, as

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Skiers Should Pay to Park

What is arguably the most expensive sport in which the individual citizen can participate? Fishing, surfing, running, golf, tennis, hunting? No. I believe if you

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Automated Garages

The number of garages of this type is creeping up. According to Don Monahan over at Walker who knows about these things there are eight

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Chicago Privatization…Take 2

OK, we have heard from all the critics and hysterical main stream media reports of the “disaster” with Chicago’s conversion of its on street parking

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I have been musing on the value of Twitter. It seems to me that for adults this is simply a way to get people to

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Robotic Parking

Spent the day yesterday in Dubai touring MRS installations with their local business development manager, Usama Al Kahaleh. First we saw their running installation near

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Civilized Abu Dhabi

This is a most civilized country, at least as traffic is concerned. As I sit on my balcony sipping an adult beverage, I note that

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Abu Dhabi

Having some technical problems now blogging from blackberry Middle east parking symposium in full swing. Many speakers from the US, UK, Australia, and from local

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But But But…

I’m speechless, but not really. Here’s the scoop – The Mayor of Port Jefferson on Long Island in New York has ordered the enforcement officers

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Too good to check…

If I asked you what “crime” got the higher fine in the UK, a parking ticket or possession of Cocaine or heroin, what would be

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Parking Lot Role Models

(Parking World writer Pete Goldin held forth on PW’s blog about movies and how they degradate our industry. His followup I thought should be shared

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What a concept

Following on to the posts below — Andy sends in this tidbit from the Associated Press La Crosse Police Issue "Courtesy" Parking Tickets  La Crosse

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This is just crazy

Here’s another one This is just crazy—Dewey Beach in Delaware is concerned that their increase in parking FINES might drive people away. The logic is

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Philippine parking expo

We opened the event with a grand ribbon cutting, singing of the national anthem, and a singing of a solo that can best be described

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Parking in Manila

I'm told the daily parking charges are about $4 a day.  Comparable to a small middle American city. The difference being, this is a major

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On the Road

I'm blogging from Seoul Incheon International Airport during a layover on myy flight to Manila. When I arrive i will be representing Parking World and

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We are new to Video

Andy is putting up videos we cut last week and now we are learning that there is more to doing them than meets the eye.

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Marc Slavin President of MarcParc here in DC and a pretty bright guy, spent a few minutes with me in the hotel bar. His topic,

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Economy Looking UP

I hear positive signs everywhere. Tom Duemling of ParKut and Larry Feuer of Amano McGann, Presidents of their respective companies, were talking about the economy

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Dori Teich of Designated Parking has a new gizmo in his single space reserved parking line. It’s a space blocker that you can put up

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Formula on a napkin

Ran into Jerry Skillett, now back at Central as a vice president. He was talking to Dale Denda from PMRC and me about the issue

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It’s a sad time around our house. Our dog, Heidi, has been going downhill for a few months. We thought she would make it longer,

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T Boone and the NPA

I’m at the NPA Convention in DC. T Boone Pickens just opened the event with homespun humor and concerns about dependence on foreign oil. Not,

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Capitalism at its worst?

I got a couple of comments on my blog below on the new “Parking Ticket Insurance” scheme not under way in Philly. Check this out:

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Caught and can’t get out

I chatted with a number of senior executives of major European Parking Equipment Manufacturers at the European Parking Association meet in Vienna last week. They

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An Holistic Approach

I interviewed Joe Wenderoth, Executive Vice President of Lanier Parking in Atlanta this week. It’s a wide ranging discussion and will appear in November’s Parking

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Saturday in the Capital

Parking is easy in London on Saturday. Lots of space – in fact, I think that their new pricing program has worked. People are either

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So Sorry…

It’s time for my annual whine about how everyone in the UK is constantly apologizing for something. If it’s because they are in front of

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Detriot Joins “Parking Wars”

Detriot Joins “Parking War’s” Andy reports that Detroit Municipal Parking Department is joining Philadelphia as another foil for the fabulous “hit” show, Parking Wars. It

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But what about the US?

In the post below I got input from European vendors about the economic recovery. Comments about the US market were absent. What’s that all about?

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And Now the Good News

I spent today in Vienna at the European Parking Association’s Biennial conference. Two conversations stood out. I spoke with an international consultant. He told me

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“Forwarded Emails”

I enjoy getting jokes, letters, and stories forwarded to me. I take them for what they are. Gossip. Probably not true, but fun to read

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Shoup Dogg

Don Shoup is joining some other bicyclists in giving a happening of sorts on October 2 under the auspices of the Library Foundation of LA.

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I hear that one big push is in Automation. Automating everything in parking from collection to direction. Reduce staff, give better service. Seems like a

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Parking Virtualization

I hear from my “vendor” sources that a major change is underway in the industry, particularly with larger parking opera ions. It’s called Virtualization. In

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Rumors and Rumor Control

I have been assured by someone who should know that the nation’s largest parking company is alive and well and is NOT currently in talks

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Only 1 in 10 get written

About six weeks ago I wrote about the phenomena that only about 10 percent of all parking violations get written up. I “tweeted” in the

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Progressive Fines

Anyone know about “progressive parking fines?” That is, you pay $10 for your first citation, $20 for your second, $30 for your third, and then

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Lost my ticket

I flew to DC yesterday. Left my car at an off airport location in Atlanta. When I returned last night I found I had lost

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ACS and Duncan WOW!

It is reported in the Courthouse News that ACS has sued Duncan for allegedly eaves dropping on its email. You can read it all here

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A Note from a Friend

I received this from John Clancy. Now retired, John worked in the technology side of the industry for decades. I don’t think this needs any

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Look out the Window

If there is any advice I can give it’s concerning the passing scene. “Look out the window.” Rather than listen to CNN or the New

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