Year: 2007

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As Robyn and I were driving to the mall to visit the after Christmas Sales, I discovered that I didn’t exactly know where the mall

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Parking Wars

There is a new series on A and E called "Parking Wars."  You can get a taste of it here. Basically is a series of

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Shame on you Atlanta

It has been reported that 548 parking meters have been stolen off the streets of Atlanta, GA in the past year. That’s 39% of the

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We Blew It!!!!

It has come to our attention that we used a picture of the IPI show held in Las Vegas to promote the upcoming PIE show

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But where do you put your car?

The recent blizzards in the central plains and the northeast have caused the cities to institute  parking bans. Since I’m from Southern California where the

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Who do we know in Yonkers?

The city of Yonkers is giving free on street parking today and next Saturday, but keeping the off street parking charges at their normal level. 

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Now its a “Crisis”

I already commented on how amusing it is that politicians are "shocked SHOCKED" when shown that the government is screwing up in some way. The

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Attack Geese

They don’t have enough to do in Barbara Chance’s Office. Joe Sciulli send me the picture below with this comment: This sign is at PATCO’s

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Travel Tips

As the Christmas travel season goes into full swing, here are some tips from the Airline Industry through their blog,  Its all common sense,

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Nope, don’t agree

I commented below that Sarasota, FL, was bundling the cost of parking in with the ticket price to events in their concert hall. I said

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There is no win

The County in which Ft. Meyers, FL is going to build a $71,000 per space garage in downtown Ft. Meyers to help alleviate the parking

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How about Balderdash

Peter Guest tells met that I am missing his point…See his comment here on my post "Horsefeathers" below: No John, your missing the point. We

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It is Horsefeathers

Peter Guest, PT’s expert on all thing parking and not in North America, has taken me to task in his January Column on my comment

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Nimby or NIFOMH

Not in Front Of My House…No parking there, except for me and the folks I want to park there and for heavens sake they can

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The Third Party

I have been railing about the problems of putting market based on street pricing in effect, particularly in communities around colleges and universities where residential

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The Headline is confusing

A local TV station reported in Albany, NY, that "Police issue tickets in handicapped parking sting" HUH – I saw the movie and a "sting"

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The head of parking enforcement in Rome, Italy has been fired after he was caught parking in a no parking spot using a permit that

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Parking in Provo

I have been beating this horse for a few months now, but no one seems to be listening. Here’s the problem. There are a lot

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The Thanksgiving List

From now until January its a season of lists. Shopping lists, Christmas lists, lists of new year’s resolutions, grocery lists all surround us and keep

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Blackberrys and Parking

I got a Blackberry about a month ago.  I had fought the urge for years but my wife prevailed and I purchased a Blackberry Curve. 

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This is just tooo good

A Texas community has banned private sex parties in private homes. Why — Morality? Nope — The traffic and parking congestion they cause. Read it

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Comments on a PT Article

In November we ran an interview with parking legends Ray Liesegang and Herb Citrin. I received this comment from a local senior parking manager who

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Chicago Garage on the Block

The value of parking garages, particularly in downtown cores, seems to be skyrocketing. 201 Madison in Chicago’s loop, is on the block for upwards of

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Way to go Calgary

Dale Frasier and his Calgary Parking Authority have the right idea — Today they launched a new program titled "Size does matter." Unlike many other

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In Case of Emergency

Here’s a good idea: We all carry (I hope) our mobile phones with names & numbers stored in its memory but nobody, other than ourselves,

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Boise Boise Boise….

The problems with parking at Boise State are legend. folks come very early and park in the neighborhoods and cause havoc with locals land owners.

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Scofflaws in Ft. Wayne

Ft. Wayne, IN, has a problem. They have 11,500 unpaid tickets totaling more than a third of a million dollars. What to do? What to

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Yes, I am Biased

I reader reacted to my comments about Portland and their on street equipment here. Basically he said I was biased toward vendors because they paid my

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An elegant solution

Dale Fraser and his Calgary Parking Authority have a bit of a problem. The public is complaining about the new pay and display system that

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The auditors in Portland have noted that some of the Pay and Display machines currently installed don’t work quite right. Software Issues, they say. I

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Free Parking in Fresno

Consistency is important…Check out the parking issues in Fresno (CA). They charge for parking up to 6 PM, free parking after that hallow hour, except

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I’m obviously back at the computer, and feeling almost fit.  Get a bit tired but less each day. I pronounced myself almost healed. Thanks for

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Field of Dreams

I got into a hassle when I was in New York listening to a urban consultant talk about downtown cores, parking and the "fact" that

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I got a piece forwarded to me the other day from the Miami Herald. It seems that a traditional activity of many parking operators has

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Patronage in Philly

The local press is having a field day in Philadelphia.  Seems the Parking Authority is bloated, full of patronage, and paying six figure salaries to

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Wow Half a Million

The City of Westminster (London) is celebrating the fact that they have had over half a million pay by cell phone transactions in 2000 parking

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Beserk in Bezerkeley

Here we go again. The City of Berkeley, Ca has a problem. It has a lot of parking but folks are cruising around looking for

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Its Starting

Communications are coming in from all over and my friends are outdoing each other with their humor. A couple of examples. One began his missif

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NPA Begins Today

I’m sending my representatives to the NPA opening today but in the mean time wish Marty Stein and his Crew all the best.  Its being

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On Come on

I guess we get stories like this here in the US, there have to be boneheaded cops everywhere, but this is rather "over the top."

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Electric Cars

Haven’t the city dads got the idea. Electric Cars became obsolete in the year 1910. GM and Honda tried to sell them in the 1990

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From time to time I get a call to meet with someone new to our industry so they can "pick my brain."  That has to

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OF God and Parking

The biggest problem that this neighborhood in Chesterfield, MO, has is that the local church wants to have more parking. To get it, it will

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More on Air Travel

Everyone complains constantly about flying today so I think a bit of defense of our air travel industry may be in order. First of all,

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The International Downtown Association

I’m in New York attending the International Downtown Association’s annual convention. There are 1000 movers and shakers from business development districts, downtown associations, and city

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A Note from a Friend

I received this from John Clancy. Now retired, John worked in the technology side of the industry for decades. I don’t think this needs any

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Look out the Window

If there is any advice I can give it’s concerning the passing scene. “Look out the window.” Rather than listen to CNN or the New

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