Year: 2013

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A Post Christmas Message

Time seems to have caught up with me and I didn’t get around to blogging about this greatest of holidays until today. So there. We

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Chuck Cullen Retires

I have known Chuck for longer than either of us wants to acknowledge. He has been a tireless supporter and a good friend.  Here is

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Park and Be Generous

It’s heartwarming that the simple act of parking can be transformed into a gesture of giving. Red parking meters in downtown San Diego take payments

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Republic’s Jim Berry Dies at 83

From the Chattanooga Times-Free Press: Jim Berry, head of Republic Parking System and the owner of some major downtown buildings, died this morning. Berry’s company

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Marilyn Etheridge Joins PIE

The Parking Industry Exhibition is pleased to announce that Marilyn Etheridge has joined the organization as its team leader in charge of attendee outreach. Her

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Those Pesky Little Details

Correspondent Mark pointed this story in my direction. Seems researchers at Carnegie Mellon are discovering that all electric vehicles, being mandated by governments far and

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Apples and Apples?

Chad Reed of 3M and I were discussing how one company can make a different in an industry. He noted that Apple had completely changed

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This Week

I have had a great week in Parking. I spend Monday dinner with Marilyn Etheridge in Tampa. She has joined the PIE crew to help

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Where were you when…

There’s something about huge tragedies that lodge forever in our memories. The Hindenburg disaster (no I wasn’t around for that). Pearl Harbor, (not that either),

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Cincinnati to Void PPP

Elections have consequences. Seems the city of Cincinnati,OH, had cut a deal with its port authority, Xerox, and others to privatize the parking in the

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Its knowing where to hit

A manufacturing plant was having trouble with a new machine. The huge mechanical monster simply wouldn’t run.  They had tried everything. Nothing worked. It hiccuped,

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I Post without comment…

From Don Shoup at UCLA: The unintended irony in the last sentence of this invitation suggests how far UCLA has to change to become sustainable.

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Temecula Group

The Temecula Parking Group met this past weekend in, guess where, Temecula, California. We talked, argued, laughed, ate, drank and generally had a perfect parking

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Common Sense Saves the Day

In a stunning turn of events, parking authorities in England have recommended motorists fight more parking tickets and have a plan to make it easier

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Trouble at Trader Joe’s

The headline was just a teaser – there really is no trouble at Trader Joe’s. Just because people complain doesn’t mean there is actually a

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Open mouth, insert tire

Handicapped parking is a hot button for me and a lot of people. The issue with having hot buttons, however, is that they are easily,

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Privacy and Parking

In Milwaukee, a new system for parking enforcement has raised concern in residents.Now, parking permits will be issued a permit number that will be electronically

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The Non Holiday Holiday

Columbus Day — We celebrate it to recognize an explorer who braved the unknown to discover the New World for Spain. But do we?  The

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Are Trade Shows Passe

With all the myriad ways to get information today, why should we spend the time and money going to trade events. Its true that attendance

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NPA 2013

Once again Christine Banning and her band of volunteers have turned a magnificent show. With over 1000 attendees, this year’s NPA Conference and Trade Show

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If you look in the dictionary for a definition of  “Tour de Force” you will find one word. “Gravity.”  Writer and Director Alfonso Cuaron spent

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Tie off those loopholes

As the City of Seattle tries to carry out a program to enforce parking laws on its worst offenders, city officials have acknowledged some major

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All this and Bluetooth, too

I have been losing my hearing for upwards of 20 years. It is insidious. You don’t know its happening.  People may notice you don’t hear,

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Driving Must Be Easy

When you think about it, driving a car must be easy. We drive billions of miles each day in the US with around 32 000

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Dialing Back….

Since I’m certain this will not be available in the main stream media, I link here without comment: JVH  

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It’s always an inside job

Cynicism is quite a crutch, but it’s statistically true that most people who are murdered are killed by a family member. It’s also statistically accurate

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Handicapped in Providence

I rail about this problem quarterly so here is the summer 2013 edition. The story is from Providence RI but could be from most anywhere.

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Big Brother in Ft. Collins

Here’s the deal — Ft. Collins CO has been using an Autovu system for the past decade to enforce parking around the community. The database

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Kudos to Ace Parking

The San Diego based parking operator sprung for $15K to help the local PD purchase bicycles for their patrols. You can read the press release

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The Computers are Taking Over

A guy in Milwaukee got tired of paying late fees for delinquent parking tickets and has created an automated payment system. The “Ninja-like” technology trolls

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Let the scooters park

Toronto parking officials recently decided to start enforcing a law that prohibits scooter parking on sidewalks. The law has been in place, but not applied

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A Note from a Friend

I received this from John Clancy. Now retired, John worked in the technology side of the industry for decades. I don’t think this needs any

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Look out the Window

If there is any advice I can give it’s concerning the passing scene. “Look out the window.” Rather than listen to CNN or the New

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