Greenwood to Scheers


Greenwood to Scheers

Ken Greenwood, formerly US Marketing Manager for Parkeon, has been made responsible for Global Sales and Marketing for Schweers Tecnologies based out of Germany. Schweers is a leading manufacturer of Mobile Computers for the Parking and Transportation market and their main product line, Politess, is used in a many cities around the world including a number in the US.

I have known Ken for years and find him to be one of the really good people in our industry. He did a great job for Parkeon and when he left the position, he was required by our Visa regulations to return to his native UK.  I am happy that he found such a good position and a seeming step up in his career.
One thing I noticed about Ken was that he was a consummate gentleman and never spoke negatively of the competition. I think a lot of his success is due to that positive attitude.

All the best to Ken. He can be reached at


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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