I can solve this guy’s problem


I can solve this guy’s problem

A hairdresser in Columbia SC has a problem. Seems the parents picking up kids at a school nearby are parking in his lot and causing havoc during certain hours of the day. He has put up signs to no avail and pleaded with the school to do something, and they did (asked people not to park there.)  What to do WHAT TO DO?

Gee, why don’t you put a guy out there and have him collect $5 from each car that drives in your driveway. IF they person comes into your store, you give them $3 back. If they don’t, you keep the money. How’s that.
Have a local retiree be the parking monitor. He gets to keep the $2. Your customers get a place to park, and the folks from the school will either make you rich or park somewhere else.

Simple, neat, clean.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

One Response

  1. John,
    This is a great point, which is being proven in many cities around the US. For example, in Atlanta, mixed use developments such as Atlantic Station offer people in-city living with a small town feel. Several years ago, there was a big flight out of Atlanta by people to the suburbs. Now, many of those are moving back.
    I would add to your statement, “Bulld it and they will come”. I would add, “Clean it up, and they will come” as well.

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