Its Christmas and the Parking is Freeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Its Christmas and the Parking is Freeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Yep — the wires are clogged (is it really "wires" any more. Is it cable, or fiber, or wifi???but I digress) with news about a Mayor of somewhere or a city council of someplace declaring parking free downtown during Christmas.  They are feeling in the warm Christmas mood.  Expansive, giving, spreading good cheer with free parking.

Bah Humbug…

They are also going to cause parking problems everywhere in the city.  Why should people get to park for free on the streets when they have to pay to park in a structure? Oh, its a city structure, you say — what about all those structures that are owned by taxpaying developers, or run by financially strapped operators. The mayor giveth on one hand, and taketh away on the other.

Also, "free" parking means more congestion on the streets as people "cruise" for free spaces. It means more problems with employees parking in the free spaces and taking spaces from customers. No one thinks of that. They think they are doing a good deed.



Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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