Permits in Duluth


Permits in Duluth

Paul Scanlin, an engineer with the City of Duluth, has a query. He says that a local developer is building condos in the city and wants to issue permits for on street metered parking spaces for the folks who need parking for the project. Although he doesn’t say so, I’m assuming that this is to meet the city’s requirement for so many spaces per unit.

Seems like a Shoupista solution to me.  There will be a few spaces on site, plus extra permits for those who need them to park on street. Obviously the  permits will be costly, more than generated by the meters. However my guess is also that they will be valid after hours and on weekends, like most permit operations.  That way unused on street space gets used, income in generated, the cost of housing goes down, and everyone is happy.

Anyone out there know where this has been done before? If so, let me know and I’ll pass it along to


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John Van Horn

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