Pittsburgh — Tax Tax Tax


Pittsburgh — Tax Tax Tax

I get bored reading about parking taxes so I may not have the story just right, but it seems that Pittsburgh is lowering its tax from 50% to 45% to 40%. This is based on the law that went into effect when the tax was put in place.  However, guess what — You know what’s coming — You can just feel it….

The mayor and city council have proposed a "freeze" on the tax reduction.  Why?  You know what’s coming, no need to read further — They need the money. Oh sure, there are some excuses in the article here and here, but in reality you don’t even have to read between the lines.  They need the money and this is a good place to get it.

Of course the city councilman wraps himself in righteous indignation saying that of course all this is the parking operators and owners fault, because they dropped the tax 5% and those money grubbing capitalists actually kept the 5% for themselves.  I’m sure that the city knows that collection, accounting for, and then paying the city a tax that is half of your gross costs nothing. But then, what do I know.

At least they aren’t hiding the fact that the bucks from parking is to save the city budget.  However, it is of course unfair, unfair, unfair — If you own a car, you are paying for the city of Pittsburgh’s Pension Fund. If you ride the bus, you don’t.  Now if the tax was to pay for better street services, then I think it would make sense, at least as much sense and any tax, but to single out drivers/parkers to fill the local pension fund coffers. What ever happened to "equal protection under the law."

Where are those trial lawyers when you need them, ACLU?


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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