

Paul didn’t realize it, but he wanted an event that stressed WIIFM, that’s “What’s In It For Me.” He wanted an event tailor made for him. He wanted to share his problems with someone who would listen, and maybe listen to others. He wanted to connect in an atmosphere designed for connection, not just sales and promotion.

He wanted the opportunity to have dinner with a small group of peers, in a nice restaurant, and be able to really talk. He wanted real, human help when he needed it but he didn’t want it in his face. Sure, he could run an app, but having someone at hand to give directions was good too.

He wanted enough time to meet companies on the exhibit hall floor and have and opportunity to ask questions and get solid answers. He wanted the exhibits to be small enough that he could walk in and not feel intimidated by 40 sales staff and huge pieces of equipment. He knew he would spend more time on the exhibit hall floor if he felt comfortable there.

Vendor parties were great, but did he really feel that drinking free booze made a difference as to what problem he was going to solve with the information he gained on the exhibit hall floor.

Seminars are great, but let’s face it, he was going to find solutions from people he met, and on the exhibit hall floor. Technology was moving at light speed. On that floor, he will be able to slow it down a tad and understand just what he needs and doesn’t’ need.

He wanted to bring solutions to his boss, not only to make her happy, but also to make his job easier and therefore him more successful. If he could unwind some of the snafus that hit daily, could he not reduce the stress and perhaps not take so much home at night.


To be continued…



Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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