A Great Honor


A Great Honor

I was asked to dinner by Christine Banning at the NPA expo.  This is not really unusual, the NPA has become a great friend of Parking Today and Vice Versa. However when we sat down, I did get a surprise.

Christine presented me with an honorary membership in the NPA and proceeded to tell me just how much I meant to the NPA and to the parking industry. I looked around to be sure that I was in the right place. Plus there was a huge trophy involved.

I was seated next to Tom Carter of Toledo Ticket, the supplier representative on the NPA board, the Board Chair Mark Muglich CEO of ABM Parking and Ellis Dumont, the Valet operator representative on the board and CEO of Advanced Parking Concepts. In addition to Christine, Mark and Ellis’ wives were present.  Here I am with Mark and Christine.


It was a super evening with Mark and Ellis regaling us on their sometimes hilarious experiences  running Valet parking operations for the Landed Gentry.

I am honored and a bit confused by the award. I know PT shows up every day and we hopefully bring news and opinion to the industry. We and I say “we” because without the team (Marcy, Kelley, Eric, Astrid, Shelly, Sue, Joyce, Romina, Francine, Melissa, Bob, and Peter) that produces PT, Parknews, PIE, and our many social media and web sites, we could do nothing. The award is for them as much as me.

I have been most impressed with the NPA’s “rising tide raises all boats” attitude, and know that is the reason it is growing and prospering. I wish them all the best, and many thanks.




Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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