A question about equal pay for women


A question about equal pay for women

This post might make it seem like I watch beauty pageants, but I’m not that guy. I do read the news plenty and couldn’t miss the story about Miss Utah-USA’s idiotic flop during her pageant interview. The interview portion is the one that comes after the bathing suit portion and it is meant to make the women seem less like walking Barbies and more like smart walking Barbies. Here it is, a good question made famous by a terrible answer:

“A recent report shows that in 40 percent of American families with children, women are the primary earners, yet they continue to earn less than men. What does this say about society?”

Miss Utah-USA could only stutter and sparkle. The irony.

If these statistics apply in the parking industry, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they did, what is the answer to the question? What does this say about society, industry, education, economics?


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

2 Responses

  1. I actually liked Miss Utah’s answer. By fluke she has given a correct answer.
    Not enough education. Which is true.

    Stats 101
    – 40 percent of American families with children, women are the primary earners
    – Some women earn less than men and the average is lower

    The items are interdependent. The conclusion is NOT 40% of US families with children are underpaid women.

    If you get to that conclusion, Miss Utah is right – we need better education.

    To put this in parking context…..
    A recent report shows that in 40 percent of car parks with bays, fees/levies are the primary earners, yet they continue to earn less than infringements. What does this say about society

    Does this mean we should:
    a) Charge more for parking.
    b) Not charge for parking and sneak/charge for infringements/overstays more often.
    c) Understand the 2 items should be treated separately as the stats are separate items. The paying customers are good income, and the non-paying will get tickets.

    If you go for a) You failed to account that infringements are a requirement to force people to pay. So either they wont pay or wont park = $0

    If you go for b) people will feel ripped off, and will not park = $0

    Stats 101 never assume that one stat relates to another.
    Miss Utah was inadvertently correct – we need better education if we keep asking dumb questions.

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