A Very Delicate Subject — Homeless


A Very Delicate Subject — Homeless

Dallas is having a problem. The Homeless are camping out in public and private parking lots around the city. What to do? The police are "moving them along" after complaints from merchants and residents. They are ending up in a church parking lot, or "safe zone" provided by the church. Not good PR for the city.

Commentator and talk show host Michael Medved is very harsh. Arrest them and put them in jail. He sees this as a "tough love" approach. I have thought about it and it makes some sense.

First of all, homeless folks usually have alternatives. There are churches, city programs and the like which provide a roof and a bed. However many simply don’t "want" to avail themselves of these programs. They feel that they have the freedom to camp out wherever they like. Even if its on someone’s private property.

Of course there are hard core homeless that are mentally unbalanced. They should definitely be institutionalized and helped. The others should understand that in our society there is no room for folks who don’t take care of themselves.  There are a myriad of public and private programs that give folks a leg up. We are in a time when many employers can’t find workers and in some cities, burger flippers are making $20 and hour.

I know it seems heartless, but while they are incarcerated they can be given three squares, can get cleaned up, and then can be exposed to all the programs and help that our society can offer. Sure, when they are homeless, they can’t get a job because they are on the bottom of life’s ladder. However self motivation can help. Sure they may not "want" to flip burgers, but when they consider the alternative, perhaps it really isn’t so bad. 

Just my ramblings….


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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