A reasonable Solution


A reasonable Solution

I’m not completely opposed to free parking. Here’s a good idea.  This hospital instituted a $2.00 charge for parking to clear out congestion and poachers and ensure all its staff and patients had a place to park. The complaints came from folks who felt that the charge was too much if you were staying only a few minutes, say to pick up or drop someone off.

The solution is elegant — First 30 minutes free, after that, pay the fee. Congesters and poachers will still be kept out, the short stay persons will get their parking and those who stay longer will have little about which to complain.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

2 Responses

  1. I agree that this is a complicated matter and goes beyond the question ‘how much’. If you visit private parking companies such as http://www.holidayextras.co.uk, you will see that Brits gladly pay a lot of money for parking space without complaining. we only complain when payment is made under unacceptable grounds like when an ambulance is given a ticket as it has happned before.pat

  2. OH that’s so much drive by media and nanny state stuff…AN ambulance is given a ticket — do you know where the ambulance was parked? Do you know what it was blocking? DO you know why it was there? My guess is that the media reported AMBULANCE GIVEN TICKET, PERSON DIED or something like that.
    There are always mistakes made, and that’s what the courts are for. You do have an administrative process for reviewing tickets that are improperly written, don’t you?

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