You can purchase high end parking at Denver International Airport on a 20 year lease for $31K plus an annual maintenance fee. Its off airport, but what the heck.
This is a great article about parking at DIA.
It not only gives good information about on airport parking, but also talks about the 14,000 off airport spaces that are available. And why not — airport parking operations, on and off, need to partner. They are solving the same problems.
Denver has a few parking issues, the biggest one it seems to me is the airport’s location. Its a gazillion miles from anywhere, and the off airport guys are about 15 minutes drive from the terminal. You pretty much have to drive to get to the airport and therefore you need to park. Dorothy LM Harris, Chair of the IPI and head of parking at Denver, has done a great job making her airport parking friendly. She can’t, however, transport the facility 20 miles closer to Denver.
Way to go Kelli Yamanouchi and the Denver Post. Good Job.