American Girl


American Girl

OK, I admit it.  I had never been to American Girl, didn’t know what it was about,  and frankly didn’t care. However the grand daughter is visiting so naturally it was time for my indoctrination.

Let me tell you, these folks have it down to a science. They grab the kids when they are like two years old and keep em hooked well into adolescence. And the girls seem to love it. They should love it.  If you get out of there for under 250 bucks you are being cruel to your American Girl.

For those of you who don’t understand how it works, here’s the deal. They have about half a dozen dolls, each named and themed, from revolutionary war time up to 1944. They each have many period wardrobes, and all the trimmings. The dolls are about two feet tall, and cost, are you ready, $105 each. However that’s only the beginning.  After that there are outfits, strollers, hats, clothes, it doesn’t end. 

Each doll has its own story, so there are books, music and I assume somewhere a CD for each. 

There is an American Girl cafe, and a doll hospital. There a section for baby dolls,, and are you ready, a beauty shop for the dolls. 

IT was noon on Friday, and this place was mobbed.  I understand when it opened the area around the center where it was located was inundated for weeks with cars, traffic, and crowds.  It seems to have backed off.

Oh, yes, in addition the the dolls above, there is also a New 2006 sweetie with surfboards, motor scooters, swim suits and the like — she is, it seems Hawaiian.

I understand that originally AG caught some flack because all the dolls were white, so they have added a black doll, an American Indian doll, and now an Asian/American Hawaiian doll.  PC to the end.

This is marketing at it finest.  The kids love it. and frankly its certainly a lot more healthy than reading about the latest Britney disaster or watching MTV.

Its good to have your grandkids around to complete you education


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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