Can you guess the city?
The new parking complaint office:
The walls are painted periwinkle blue, mellow yellow and sage green,
calming colors to help soothe the customers and the workers. There’ll be
piped-in music, "a nice touch to add ambiance," said Houlihan. There’s also
checkerboard-patterned cork flooring to help muffle the noise.
Of course its not all peaches a cream —
With the help of Homeland Security funding, the streetside windows and
see-through partitions in front of the clerks are bulletproof. On top of that,
a metal detector at the front door, cameras, audio recorders and two security
guards will ensure safety. The clerks’ booths and hearing rooms are equipped
with panic buttons.
It’s not that there have been a lot of violent outbursts before, but
parking fines can add up mighty fast in ??????, where the city issues
about 2 million citations a year.
OK, We can’t control the border, terrorists are bombing airports in the UK, and we are spending homeland security money on bulletproof partitions and panic buttons. What does this say about parking, particularly in the most progressive city on the planet.?
Read the entire article. Come on Rachael — what ever happened to that follow up article on the millions lost at Golden Gate garage and the deal cut by the city with the parking operator? I dropped her a note and suggested that she needed to spend a bit of time with Stan Delaplane’s Ghost at the Buena Vista, sipping Irish Coffee and honing those adjectives. Periwinkle, indeed.