Looking at the reports, the cities in the northeast are gearing up for another blizzard. Up to a foot or more of snow is expected. Emergencies are being declared, snow routes cleared, and snowplows are being greased.
A buddy told me today that the day after the big blizzard last week, all of northern Jersey’s roads were clear. The plows were out in force, people were told to keep their cars off the streets except in case of emergency, and the roads were cleared. Gee…Seems like some folks know how to run a railroad.
Unless I’m mistaken, hizzhonor Bloomberg is at this very moment threatening the union bosses in New York to avoid a repeat of last week’s fiasco. Or, he’s buying them off. Either way, if the Big Apple gets a repeat of the “snow removal” activity he would be smart to use his billions to hire outside contractors and get those streets cleaned.
Lack of snow removal gave Jayne Byrne an edge and a campaign slogan and made her the first woman mayor of Chicago. One more go like last week and my guess is that anyone could beat Bloomberg in his next election. President? He couldn’t be elected dog catcher.
2 Responses
You’re right, but this is just another example of how the unions hold us hostage, shut down our services when they don’t get their way, negotiate big retirement packages the economy can’t bear, drive up costs in every industry sector so we can’t compete with foreign companies, etc.
I was in NJ and NYC for the blizzard, about 30 minutes (in good weather) from the Lincoln tunnel. The roads were not all clear, far from it. On Monday, the Manhattan streets were good, however the parking lanes were generally unusable. On Tuesday, Brooklyn streets were still a mess.