Actually, this sign is fairly clear. Can’t park from 11-1 on Friday for Street Cleaning. 2 hour parking 8 to 5 Monday – Saturday including holidays, unless your have a district 7 permit and then I guess you can park as long as you want. You can’t even stop from 5 pm to 2 am any day unless you have a District 7 permit, then you can park during those hours…Now take Sunday…I guess all bets are off on the 2 hour parking restriction, but not on the 5 PM to 2 AM restriction. Except for District 7.
Then there’s the “Once per day per district”. I would surmise that this is District 7. That means that you non permit holders can park in District 7 for 2 hours but then have to move your car to district 1-6, wherever they are, for an additional 2 hours, assuming the same rules apply in other districts.
I do have a couple of questions for the Culver City, CA parking folks.
1. If you don’t enforce on Sunday, why enforce on holidays? One may assume that the same reasoning for not enforcing on Sunday would apply for other holidays? Right?
2. Why not note that you are in District 7? See 4 below.
3. Why note that District 7 permits are exempt? People having the permits know they are exempt, as do the enforcement people. It only makes the signs cluttered and confusing.
4. It would seem that the “Once per day per district” rule was there to ensure that people simply don’t move their car 30 feet and park again for another two hours — turnover. This is a residential neighborhood a block away from a shopping center. The goal might be to keep center employees from parking in the neighborhood and taking space from the residents. By the way — here is the regulation quoted from the Municipal Code:
For any person to park a vehicle on any public street or alley subject to a “Time-Limited Parking Except By Permit” limitation for a period longer than the subject time limitation, unless a preferential parking zone permit therefor has been issued by the City of Culver City and is displayed on the vehicle. For purposes of this Section, successive acts of parking upon any public street subject to a “Time-Limited Parking Except By Permit” limitation, or portion of such street within the same preferential parking zone, shall be deemed a single act of parking, subject to the time-limit parking restriction applicable to that preferential parking zone.
This fixes the move for another 2 hours problem but adds confusion – move after 30 minutes four times and you use up your parking, but only in that zone. This of course begs the question, how the hell do you enforce this. I know, I know — LPR…but does the algorithm take moving after 30 or whatever minutes and add up the time in the zone. By the way, “Once per day, Per District” on the sign doesn’t cover all the possibilities created by the regulation. A judge would run screaming from the courtroom if one tried to explain this when you were challenging a citation.
How about
“You may have one 2 hour (or less) parking session per day per district.”
5. If a resident had a visitor coming for dinner. They could not park on the street, but I’m assuming they have a one day permit that could be placed on the car to notify the towing crew that the car is legitimate.
I could go on and on but your get the point. The sign was written, I think, to please the lawyers, not to communicate with our customers.
One Response
that sign makes my brain hurt.