Astrid Ambroziak Named PT Parking Association Liaison


Astrid Ambroziak Named PT Parking Association Liaison editor Astrid Ambroziak has been named by Parking Today as the liaison between the magazine and over 50 parking organizations, worldwide. “Our goal is to give these associations a way to publicize their activities not only to their membership but to others in the parking industry who may not even be aware the organization exists,” said, John Van Horn, Editor of Parking Today.

“I’m looking forward to creating a niche for associations at Parking Today Media,” Ambroziak, said. “We want to use all our tools including the magazine, web sites, blogs, and newsletters to help associations give voice to their activities. Their members work hard to create training, networking, and social activities all of which strengthen our industry.”

These associations are not limited to larger groups such as the National Parking Association and the Parking Association of Australia, but also to regional associations like MAPA, the Parking Association of Georgia, PIPTA, the Texas Parking Association, and Women in Parking. Counting the individual country members of the European Parking Association and groups in Africa, Asia, and South America, there are more than 50 parking entities.

“Parking Today is making a point to attend as many of these meetings as possible and report on what they are doing,” said Van Horn. “You will be seeing one of our staff popping up at parking meetings around the world this coming year.”

“We are in the process of expanding our website to include pages for each of the organizations where calendars, activities, boards, contact information, and association goals can be listed,” he continued. “Astrid will ensure the data is current and that timely information reaches readers through Parknews as well as Parking Today.”

“Remember that although posting on line can be done within a day, you must get information to us well ahead of time to get it in the magazine,” said Ambroziak. “The Parking Today deadline is the first of the month before the month of the activity. (January 1 for an activity taking place in February, etc.)”

To be sure your organization’s contact information is correct send the name and email of the person selected to provide publicity to You may also send all information about your association directly to her beginning now.



Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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