Aussies Go after Parkers to balance city budget


Aussies Go after Parkers to balance city budget

The Melbourne city government has a problem. They are short $4 million to balance their budget. So where to go? They are looking to the parking wardens in the city to come up with at least $1.5 million more in citation revenue on top of the more than $35 million they collect already each year. This editorial decries the problem.

I guess their backs are really to the wall. They have already installed "red light" cameras, extended parking hours, and still can’t make it. They have slashed their staff, and raised parking fines. What to do, what to do?

The local press says that Melbourne is now a "byword for harrassment."

See what happens when you use a critical resource like parking as a tool to pay government expenses. It becomes another method of taxation and folks aren’t stupid. They know it and frankly, they aren’t going to put up with it.

If Melbourne used that $35 million to plant trees or replace streets or sidewalks or build parks my guess is that they would have no problem selling the concept of paid parking downtown. Instead the money disappears into that black hole know as the general fund never to be seen again.

It’s past time for governments at all levels to think outside the box and begin to understand that they can’t be all things to all people. They need to look back at what they were chartered to so and then do it. Taxation can only go so far.  Your profession is becoming and extension of the tax man.

If we don’t do something to change it you had better get used to it


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

One Response

  1. Why not try reporting placard abusers at It is designed to use every day citizens as reporting police for people abusing handicapped parking zones. The ticket revenue is sent directly back to the city to use in public programs.

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