But Where do the Cars Go?


But Where do the Cars Go?

Its November First and in cities across the snow belt, winter parking rules are going into effect.  Some say that there can be no on street parking during certain hours (probably for snow removal) and others institute opposite side of the street parking rules (park on the even side on even number days, odd side on odd number days. Fair Enough)

Now I ask my annual question, and will probably get no answer. If all the on street parking goes away, where do the cars that parked there go? And if there are spaces for them off street, why do they park on street in the first place?

We hear nothing but complaints about ‘not enough parking.’ But somehow, drivers find places to park when they are forced to do so.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

3 Responses

  1. “If all the on street parking goes away, where do the cars that parked there go?”

    Where they’re supposed to go, which is off-street.

    “And if there are spaces for them off street, why do they park on street in the first place?”

    Because they can get away with it.

    People will do whatever is easiest, period, end of story.

  2. I fully agreed with RTA:
    first, the cars go on-street, (if it’s free)
    Tolled area, they try to find a non tolled area,
    No space; they go back on-street and paid (if there is an enforcement)
    No tolled space available; they go off-street multistorey,
    No multistorey; they finally go underground car parks….

    When you set up a new tolled on-street zone somewhere, it’s amazing to note that roughly 40% of the cars disappear…. Have a look to the nearest no tolled area, it’s the chaos…

    Free first, easiest second… That the regular behavior of a driver…

    Warm regards


  3. I have a system BOOK-P.com who can
    • Reduce vacancy time of their parking spots
    • Reduce hardware installations – reduce investment cost
    • Reduce admin cost with real time data available for;
    1. Control of traffic violations
    2. Control of incoming/outgoing traffic
    3. Managing different parking state and charges
    4. Managing and prioritize new eco-friendly vehicles
    5. Managing closing of parking lot on the street a period when the cleaning car pass for cleaning the street
    BOOK- P AB has assembled a complete solution of hardware, software and services for easy installation and implementation that gives the community/City the opportunity to offer intelligent parking services that dynamically and in real time can manage parking for end customers today and in the future.

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