Can you Handle the Truth?


Can you Handle the Truth?

The Big Trade Show Season (in parking) is over and its time to look forward to 2020. The Premiere (read that first) event of national prominence is the Parking Industry Exhibition held this coming March in San Diego.

We have been finalizing the program and once again I am singularly impressed with the variety and quality of the seminars offered. I won’t list them all here (you can go online to see the details) but I will whet the appetite a bit.

Our Keynote Speaker, David Zipper, caught our eye with his piece on FOMO, that is the “Fear of Missing Out.” When we spoke to him there was no question his energy and knowledge of a wide range of topics made him a shoo in to kick off our three day event. I think you will find having lunch with David a memorable experience.

Our colleague Julie Dixon brings her unique outlook on all things dealing with municipal parking hosting her parking ‘open house’ where vendors, users, and hangers on get to talk about the parking issues that plague our cities. She will also host a panel of chief’s of police that will give you an insight into parking enforcement from those who carry the responsibility. Finally, she will bring a panel from a California City that went from free parking to pay parking without any blood being spilt.

We have a panel of ‘amateur parkers’ who will tell you of their experiences, good and bad, in dealing with our industry. In keep with our military theme and honoring veterans with the USS Midway, the Movie Top Gun and Jack Nicholson’s iconic line in “A Few Good Men”   Can you handle what your customers have to say?

Of course technology will be rampant both on the largest trade show floor PIE has even seen with over 175 exhibitors and in presentations where vendors and end users alike describe how technology can be properly used to enhance the Parking Experience. You just might hear some talk about too much tech, not enough people.

We end the event with a symposium featuring half a dozen speakers who blend technology with the experience that your customers have in using it. Yes, apps are here to stay, but just how well do they make parking better for those who use them.

Oh yes, we have networking to die for — Speed Networking will give you a chance to meet your peers in a fun, adult beverage environment. The “Top Gun” themed party will knock your socks off. Remember, the release of the movie “Top Gun Maverick” is just around the corner and these folks will do almost anything to promote their latest flick. We are honored to host veterans from the USS Midway at this event.

Check out the web site, and see PIE 2020 come to life. We don’t do anything half way.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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