Can you really meet 30 people in 90 minutes? Yep at PIE


Can you really meet 30 people in 90 minutes? Yep at PIE

Studies have shown that you ‘size someone up’ in anywhere from one to seven seconds. It may be unfortunate, but that’s how it goes. Think about it. When you see someone on the street, or in business, like it or not, you almost immediately create an image of them that you take forward in the relationship. It’s how we are wired.

So, if you are in a situation where you have only a very few minutes to get to know someone, to determine whether or not you want to continue the conversation, that first seven seconds is important. If, as in the case of speed networking at PIE, you have three minutes, the following 173 seconds is important, too.Shake their hand, listen to their name and repeat it back to them (its said that the most beautiful sound you hear is your own name), ask a question that can be answered in a sentence or two (Where are your from – company or city – what do you do – how can I help you – I have a problem, can you help me?

You will learn so much about a person by how they answer those questions and the questions they ask you. And yes, then you can decide if you want to take the conversation further. If you do – set a time to see them again – I’ll see you in the exhibit hall this afternoon – there’s a party tonight, I’m sure I’ll see you there  — So in so is speaking tomorrow at 9, will you be attending?

Or, if the chemistry just isn’t right – be polite, shake hands, and move on. That’s OK.

Speed Networking is designed for you two get a snapshot of a person and see if there is a reason to continue the conversation, not to sell a product or solve a major issue. That can come later.

Marcy and Astrid will help guide you through the process so you can meet 30 or more people in a short period of time. It really works, its fun, and who knows?

Want to learn more? Click here


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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