I got word this AM that Kim Jackson, Executive Director of the International Parking Institute, has tendered her resignation. She has taken a position as director of Parking and Transportation Services at Princeton University effective the first of the year.
This comes at a time of great activity at the IPI. They are finalizing through their new five year plan, are working hard on their upcoming trade show in Dallas, and have other training and publishing projects in the mill. Kim has been the driving force behind most of these activities.
This is an opportunity for the IPI. My suggestion, for what its worth, is that they appoint an "interim" Executive Director and then go on a national search. Spend some money and find a professional to run the organization who has experience in growing and building these types of institutions. They need to take a deep breath, solve the immediate issue, and then take some time and do the search right.
The IPI is important to the industry. They need to fill the leadership void created by Kim’s departure with experience, talent, and vision.
Kim has done a yeoman’s job stepping in upon the departure of David Ivey. The organization has moved forward with its agenda of change and revitalization. One can only wish her the best in her new endeavor.