Pat just called and told me that we have exceeded the number of attendees in Baltimore and we have a week to go. That’s good news since we get a lot of last minute folks showing up. Dawn says our room block is filling nicely and I won’t have to go out and get the homeless to check in to fill our requirement. We had a few scary moments last week when the terrorist plot was foiled by the Brits. A number of people decided not to fly. We have filled their places.
What with the Airports Seminar, expanded Boot Camp, and the Internet CCTV interconnect with PIE II in LA, this promises to be an exciting week for your’s truly. I know I’ll be running on adrenalin and in the evenings just a wee dram of good ole Laphroig. These things are always nervy, but with folks like Sandra, Pat, and Dawn making it happen, what’s to worry.