I know this will be hard to believe, but the good citizens of the Park Slope area of Brooklyn (That’s New York City for you geographically challenged), are complaining that parking is worse, now that the city has done away with the "alternate side of the street rules" in their neighborhood. The Department of Transportation is putting up new signs with new rules (No parking on a certain side of the street on Wednesday, and the other side on Thursday, for instance) for street cleaning. They are lowering the time from 3 hours to an hour and a half. Read all about it here.
The deal is that when everyone had to move their cars twice a week, it "flushed" the parking spaces and new spaces opened up. Now, with the rules temporarily relaxed, the folks simply leave their cars where they are, sometimes for weeks at a time. This makes finding an open space more difficult.
Funny how that works. All those complaints about having to move your car twice a week, and now that you don’t, all those complaints about not enough free parking space.
Just think what would happen if people had to pay for parking in this neighborhood. My guess is that there would be plenty of space.
Even parking has irony.