City of Beverly Hills goes for 10% Parking Tax


City of Beverly Hills goes for 10% Parking Tax

Valet Parking Service’s Tony Policella reports:

    As you know, March 03, 2009 is approaching quickly and the vote will take place whether or not to impose a 10% parking tax on the gross receipts of every private parking operation in the city of Beverly Hills. I know that various business and professional entities located within the city are opposing the proposed parking tax and it is very important that we get our point of view across. The increased parking tax means that the parking customer will pay more to park and businesses may/will have to absorb some or all of the impact on their revenues; neither scenario is good, especially during these troubled economic times. Fortunately due to Mr. Jarvis (Proposition 13) all those years ago, this type of new tax must be approved by the voters and we must let the voters know our opinion on the negative effect any increase on taxes can have on them. I plan to address the issue at our parking association meeting tomorrow morning but I also ask that you get the word out as well through real estate, property management companies and other hoteliers within the city you know.

The voters in the City of BH will have to pass this by a two thirds majority, but who knows.

Ok Parking Blog Groupies, pass the word.



Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

3 Responses

  1. I would gladly trade our City of Chicago and Cook County “parking privilege” taxes (to increase to $4 on a $12 ticket effective February 1, 2009) for the 10% tax that the poor and starving residents of Beverly Hills will have to pay!!

  2. John: Its the point, not the money. In the end, the tax will probably come out of the pockets of the merchants and operators and be passed along quietly to the customers. An extra couple of bucks on that million dollar broach is nothing, but its the tax that counts…

  3. Let’s see what the Beverly Hills parking lobbyists have to say about this one. I doubt any homeowner in beverly hills will care.

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