And congratulations to the folks in OZ. I know some of tmangers at this beautiful western Australia city and I’m certain they deserve the award. All the best to them
I wonder, however, what happened to our cities here at home. Granted the IPI is trying to make the “International” in their name really mean something, with their event in Latin America and their recent push to bring all the worldwide parking associations under the IPI umbrella. But with all the CAPP graduates running cities throughout the US, aren’t their any potential winners here in the US?
With over 3000 medium to large size cities spread across the fruited plain, one would have thought that somewhere excellence in parking organization must be lurking about. I understand Houston is doing great things, as are Denver, Portland, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Albany, State College, Las Vegas, and dozens more that have taken their parking organizations from almost nonexistence, and built well run, going parking concerns. And yes, even some of them a green.
That doesn’t even take into account the hundreds of universities, hospitals, and airports that have professional slam dunk parking programs, many of which are actually larger than most municipal operations.
This is the problem with these types of awards. How does one pick the “best” with so many from which to choose. Now that the search is world wide, wow — the effort is even greater.
Maybe I’m just”‘parkinged out” after the IPI Show. Congratulations to Perth. Wear your honor with pride.