I have never really understood just why we jump back and forth. It really makes little sense. Some say its the farmers. However most farmers are opposed to DST. Cows don’t change their schedule. Others say its to save energy. HUH. Now I what, turn on lights earlier in the morning so I can turn the off later at night? What’s that all about. You give from one hand and take from the other.
My understanding of the history of DST is that it goes to politicians who felt that if there was more light in the evening, then people would stop on their way home from work and shop. That makes no sense whatsoever. Let’s see — I’m going to shop because its light outside? Even though when I shop I’m inside.
AH, but I can play ball with my kids when I come home. Well, that’s maybe a bit of a plus on the DST side, but if I don’t play ball, can I sit with them in the evening before the fire and talk about their day, or read a book, or tell them about the great "stuff" of civilization, or parking.
I don’t know, it just seems that moving the clock around a couple of times a year is another intrusion in our lives. What real purpose does it serve?
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