Or rather collection. Here’s the first story I noticed this AM. Detroit is going to start really cracking down on parking scofflaws, expanding the hours they will be issuing citations in an effort to help close the city’s budget deficit.
Here’s the next story I read. Its about a Detroit resident that owes $13,000 in parking fines. Further investigation finds that over $35 million is outstanding on parking fines, going back a number of years.
Obvious question: Before you increase enforcement, why not setup a program to collect the money that is currently due. If you increase enforcement and write more tickets, isn’t that only going to increase the amount owed? Shouldn’t you get a program in place to collect the money due first?
This is typical of many cities who put the burden of their revenue problems on the back of the parking department. The general fund needs money. Increase enforcement and generate revenue.
Great idea. Oh well — at least they get their commission for “Parking Wars”. Maybe if they spent a little more time worrying about parking and a little less about their closeups, they wouldn’t have this problem