I had drinks and dinner last night with Sandra Smith from the city of Whistler, Craig Bagdon of Park Trac and his charming daughter, and Russell Waite of Pay tech Solutions and his business manager, Joy Addison. Russell is representing Craig’s Company here in Australia. I’ll get over today and see what’s happening.
We talked parking while sitting beside Darling Harbor, a part of Sydney’s beautiful harbor. Sandra passed out cards that showed her new title as Executive Director of the Canadian Parking Association. I think she will do a fantastic job. She already is talking about driving from her home in British Columbia to the organization’s offices in Ottawa and stopping off in cities large and small along the way and talking about parking and how the organization can help folks do their jobs.
She tells me she is a facilitator, a peace maker, not that the CPA needs that, however there are differing factions in all organizations and she feels her job is to bring the best of each to fruition. She spends a lot of time cultivating relationships world wide with personal friends in the parking business in Australia, New Zealand, China, Korea, Taiwan, and of course the US. She will continue to bring the Canadians to the forefront of parking networking internationally.
Read my next report above on how she has changed Whistler in one area, and our ideas on how those programs might help in parking. Here’s a view from the Exhibition Hall. Our dinner location was just across the water. That’s Downtown Sydney in the background.