Dozens of car keys lost at Miami lot


Dozens of car keys lost at Miami lot

Cruise ship passengers in Miami disembarked from their dream vacation to a valet parking nightmare: their cars keys were lost.

Read the article here.

Vehicle owners have had to get new keys made and drive rental cars in the meantime. The company that runs the lot, Tampa-based Premier Parking Ventures, says it will reimburse them for their costs.

According to the article:

It’s unclear exactly who is to blame for the disappearance of the keys at Parking Lot 58, located at NW 8th Street and 1st Court. However, the manager of the company that runs the lot, Tampa-based Premier Parking Ventures, told CBS4’s Natalia Zea Tuesday morning that he thinks it was sabotage and believes either a disgruntled employee or someone from a competitor’s lot stole the keys.

Maybe they’ll get to the bottom of who took the keys, but as for the responsible party, I think it’s the parking lot’s management. Keys handled properly and stored safely are not stolen – especially not in such large numbers.

The article says there are nearly 20 more car-owners still cruising whose keys went missing – Premier Parking will have new keys made before they return.

Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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