Haven’t the city dads got the idea. Electric Cars became obsolete in the year 1910. GM and Honda tried to sell them in the 1990 and failed completely Folks simply don’t want these boat anchors. Period. Hybrids are the way to go, it seems, and getting 45 or 50 MPG from your Prius is great, thank you very much.
In Philadelphia a city councilman wanted to give people with electric cars a reserved spot in front of their house. To get it, the car owner would have to install and electric plug so they could charge the critter between uses.
Sorry, does not compute. If a person buys an electric car, one would have thought that they had considered where they were going to plug it in. Or…the cost of the very long extension cord.
2 Responses
How about that new Tesla electric sports car, made in Silicon valley? 0-60, it’s faster than a Ferrari and will go over 200 miles on a charge. We may not be there yet, but the private sector is showing the way. Speaking of which, I recently saw an offering for solar panels to charge your electric batteries. Maybe some day we’ll be driving and charging completely off the power grid.
Keith — Good comment but you neglected to note the price of this wonder. Is it about the same as a Ferrari?