Embassy’s in London Rack up $1.65 in Parking Fines


Embassy’s in London Rack up $1.65 in Parking Fines

This has always amazed me. diplomats, with their “immunity” roll roughshod over local governments by ignoring the local laws, particularly those in parking. I am printing the list below because I think you should now just who the biggest lawbreakers are:

  • A Saudi Arabian car with 182 tickets totaling $25,000in fines.
  • Two Afghan diplomats who owe almost $45,000 for 271 separate parking infractions.
  • A diplomat from Guinea who owes $17,000 for 111 tickets.
  • A Kazakh diplomat who owes $15,000 for 105 unpaid tickets.
  • The Sudanese embassy has the highest amount outstanding, owing a total of $120,000from three cars for 811 tickets.

Notice any theme running through the list. With the possible exception of Saudi Arabia, the citizens of these countries aren’t exactly known for their law abiding reputations at home. But I digress…

I have a solution. The new mayor of London should issue a decree that all cars with more than three violations, or those that have not paid a citation within say 120 days should have their cars impounded and sold for the amount of the fines. (I think this is already on the books, but needs to be enforced. Check it out, Manny). This would include all cars no matter who is the owner. After all, justice is blind, isn’t she?

They would need the backing of the Home office (British State Department) and if the embassy raised a stink, then as far as I am concerned, they could just walk.

The issue here isn’t the money, although I’m sure the London government would love to see the cash, it’s that these so called “diplomats” need to learn common manners, and the sale of a Bentley or seven series BMW for $15,000 might just get their attention.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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