I had the pleasure of yesterday interviewing Lisa Underwood, assistant VP for parking and transportation at Emory university in Atlanta.
Lisa is a professional who cut her teeth on transportation while reading English at the University of Iowa. She drove a bus and was a dispatcher and supervisor in their student run parking and transportation department. She then moved to St Louis and a position running a local county transportation operation and then on to Washington University and nine years as head of their parking and transportation operation.
She brought a wealth of experience to Emory. She is one of the few heads of Parking on the public side that actually had experience prior to their appointment.
Many, she told me, are administrators who run things like buildings and grounds or food service and are called in and given Parking as an added task. After all, they are told by their boss, how hard can it be. How hard indeed.
Read the entire interview in September
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A Note from a Friend
I received this from John Clancy. Now retired, John worked in the technology side of the industry for decades. I don’t think this needs any