I had a nice chat with the GM at the market. She was very kind and pointed out that not only were there signs where I mentioned, but there were also signs throughout the market, telling you to be validated. Plus the merchants were supposed to ask if you had parking to be validated (mine so did), AND it was in bold print on the ticket itself. If I forgot my ticket, the merchants were empowered to provide a validation on a sample ticket which I could give to the attendant along with my original ticket which was in the car.
She seemed at wits end to figure out anything else to do for me. I had to concur, however I did point out that most people look to the entrance signs for all information, and the simpler the signs, the better.
She did agree and said that when they replace the signs, which they will do in a year or two, they will take my ideas into consideration.
She seemed like a good, hands on manager who cares about her customers and tenants, and truly understands the problem in her parking area. More power to the owners of the Farmer’s Market. They have a winner here.
Of course she made my day when she asked for a subscription to PT.