Federal APD Realigns operation in Southern California


Federal APD Realigns operation in Southern California

FAPD Sales Manager Bob Kane called a few minutes ago to let me know about some changes the revenue control giant is making in its marketing approach in the Los Angeles area. He told me he had been concerned about the way the company was going to market in the area, which was different than in most other areas in the country.

Federal has entered into a relationship with Pacific Access Controls. They are combining their efforts, with PAC providing installation and service support, and Federal providing the financial, sales, invoicing, contracting, and marketing activities.

A quote from Bob:

Federal Signal Corporation views the SoCal market as a hot bed for the many new technologies (Video Analytics, Codespear Interoperable Communications, Web-Enabled Enterprise Software, IP addressable Parking Control Products, Loyalty Reward Programs, Seamless Credit Card Processing Solutions, etc.) that we will be introducing over the next 6 to 12 months to assist Operations Professionals in managing their entire parking enterprise.

Our commitment to the SoCal market is directly reflected in our recent alliance with Pacific Access Controls (PAC) as our Master Service Provider in the Metro LA Market.  PAC is now directly affiliated with Federal APD as our contract-labor installation & service work force.  We have merged our two service organizations into one unified team that will be locally managed.  We believe that this approach will improve our service levels by doubling our number of available resources and reducing our response time on reported service incidents.

All the best


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

One Response

  1. I heard Federal fired all its employees and PAC has little or no training with Federal APD equipment, but that is just heresay…. wonder what the real truth is??

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