The first person Andy and I saw at the show was Bonnie Watts. She is the new IPI VP of Marketing which I hope means more money for her, she deserves it. She is the power behind this show and is doing a fantastic job. She was standing outside the front door to the exhibit hall leaning on that big blue bear the folks here in Colorado have standing next to the front windows.
She looked fine, as usual, and told us she needed a bit of a break and some air. I can understand that. Andy tells me that when the show is on (when he is running PIE), he would give anything for just a minute or two to take a breath and turn off his cell phone, and relax. I think Bonnie was taking that break.
The bear is wonderful. It’s a grizzly, about 40 feet tall and in proportion. It’s standing on its hind legs and has its front paws on the glass, looking curiously into the main entry arcade of the center.
Check out all the pre show pictures in the Exhibition Show Daily which will be up at our web site, beginning tomorrow (Sunday) morning about 5 AM. I just finished most of the first edition and we have some good stuff about the crazy IPI roadrunners up here (Andy is a member), the golf tourney, pix of the setup, and stories about the exhibitor and gossip about what’s happening. Oh, and there a good summary of the keynote speech.