The Florida Parking Association is booming. Its Annual Meeting at the Sawgrass Marriott near Jacksonville was a grand success. What with over 40 exhibitors and over 250 attendees, this event makes Florida one of the most active and successful in the Country. If the over 250 attendees and exhibitors doesn’t seem like a lot, consider this: It was held during Hurricane Wilma and half the state didn’t attend due to the need to dig out from the storm.
President Sue Olley tells me that the success of the organization is due to two factors. First the dedication of its membership, and the second, to the fact that Florida is growing at a tremendous rate. More than 800 people a day arrive to set up housekeeping in the state. This places much pressure on the infrastructure of the cities, institutions, and private sector. And pressure on the parking industry, public and private isn’t left out.
"We get calls weekly from parking pros from around the state who have problems and need help. We can then direct them to the right member with the expertise to give them assistance. Of course we also then ask them to become members."
Olley says that she and her board call members on a regular basis just to check and and see what’s going on in their area.
It seems that circumstances and the personal touch have made Florida one of the crown jewels of the regional parking organizations.