From the IPI Show in Florida


From the IPI Show in Florida

The IPI has done itself proud — the exhibition is good, big, and complete.  There are a few hiccups with shuttles, and the like, but stuff happens. It shouldn’t take away from the fact that the IPI has done a good job. They are to be commended.

Now — about the exhibition itself. There is little ‘new’ here. Nothing to really knock your socks off.  There are a number of companies that you haven’t seen before, and my guess is that half of them will not be there next year. That’s how it works.

Most of the really REALLY “new’ stuff is technology that has not been proven in the real mean streets of a parking garage or city street. It works great in the lab, or in the ‘test’ but lets see it under battlefield conditions.

I am spending today searching out the really new.

Hub is new, in name, but it is promoting its time tested products, Zeag and Datapark. Amano has “opus” and I’m going to check it out today and see what its all about. 3M is new to the IPI, and has a fancy booth, we shall see about what’s ‘new.’

And there are a lot of snazzy marketing pushes, with great booths, elephants and dancing girls. But as one CEO told me in Europe — “We are seen to be selling commodities.” Is that the case, or is it a perception.

Someone told me that a certain company had the greatest software. Another told me that a different company had the best software. HUH? Can both be right?

Something is certainly ‘new’ — Streetsmart is now FYBR pronounced ‘fiber,” and is announcing a ‘new’ technology with in street sensors. They will be installing the first one soon.

There are lots of pay by phone, sustainability is fading into the background. Its there, but not with the vigor of past years. So far the folks who have really profited from this show are the booth designers. Everyone has done a great job in that department. I’ll take more pictures and put them up on Thursday when I get back. My technology is limited here.

There is a new technology I am to see today, but only after I take a “blood oath” not to tell anyone about it. Sigh. Sure I’ll do it and keep quiet, but…

Six more hours of exhibits, spread over today and tomorrow, the traffic will slow today and even more tomorrow, its the nature of these events. Parties in the evenings, cruises on the inland waterway to check out all the billionaire’s second, third, and fourth homes. The Bimini Boat Club is getting a lot of play with two parties on successive nights.

And the Parking Life goes on…

I’ll see what I can scare up today


PS Park Me impressed — but I love Audi’s R8 and they have one in their booth. Better than a dancing girl.

Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

One Response

  1. Hello John
    I am missing the Trade Show this year, however my staff tells me this is absoultly the best yet, and that IPI staff has outdone themselves. Topping Ft. Lauderdale next year in Dallas will be quite a task. Mr. Conrad has always loved a challenge and rises to the occasion along with Ms. Watts.

    I love your Blogs as well. It’s like being at the Trade show.


    Dorothy Harris

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