Here’s a comment on my blog below on limiting parking
The place where I do my cleaning is has 2 parking spaces designated for their customer’s use right outside their door. I often have to park in an other area because the spaces are taken. When I go into the shop, there are no customs there, but the parking spaces are occupied.
If parking fees were imposed as you suggest, and a restaurant was within the strip center, I would not mind paying the fee as a restaurant patron. However, where does that leave the cleaner’s customers if the spaces are occupied by long term parkers?
Just a thought…
Good thought — however, if the rates are set properly (say 25 cents for the first 15 minutes then $1 for each 15 minutes to a max of say $5 or $7.) And then the rates were enforced, the short timers would have a place to park. The problem you have in your strip center is that no one is enforcing the rules. And the problem is the only enforcement possible is towing. Then of course, there’s the "What do you mean I wasn’t in the cleaners, I went in there, dropped off my cleaning, then went next door to get a cup of coffee."
Who wants to have that conversation.
Charging, with the right rates and firm enforcement makes it fair for everyone and you will have a place to park. If the cleaners wanted to subsidize their patron’s parking, they could give everyone a quarter when they left to cover the cost, or deduct it from their bill. The money generated from the parking would pay for the enforcement and probably have a lot left over for improvements in the lot and on the street.
The free market does work, we just need to give it a chance.