I’m in New Zealand – going to speak to the New Zealand Parking Association. I am spending a day in Auckland before travelling up country to the meeting…
As I drove up to the hotel I was faced with a large “FULL” sign on the garage. I ignored it, went in, and found dozens of empty spaces awaiting my car. An hour later, I took a walk around the central city. The major underground car park was blocked with a sign that said “FULL.” I walked in and sure enough, there were dozens of empty spaces.
The point? I suggest that most garages that say they are full aren’t. Either lazy attendants put the sign out when they were full but didn’t keep up with the traffic, or the counters don’t work. No matter what the reason, those false fulls cost money and frustration for parkers. Unless you are like me and simply drive around them
4 Responses
This is typical really. Sometimes I save time by just ignoring these signs!
Full signs are verboten at our locations. In the rare situation that one of our lots/garages fills, it’s a perfect opportunity to put an employee at the entrance to do a little marketing by directing the customer to one of our other locations.
What about a facility that holds spaces for monthy pass holders? 500 spaces…say 200 monthy pass holders..I would want to keep atleast 20 spaces open at all times for them. no?
So it pays to be a little stubborn sometimes? Haha!