Give him hell, Harry…


Give him hell, Harry…

Potter that is. It took a couple of weeks for schedules to mesh but I finally made it to see the last of the eight films that made up the Harry Potter epic, and author J.K. Rawlings arguably the richest woman on the planet. The first part of the “Deathly Hallows” duo was not the greatest, but it set up this finale perfectly.

Harry, Hermine, and Ron continue their quest to find and kill the evil Lord Voldemort, played to a “T” by Ralph Fiennes. I’m told the book is extremely complex (I stopped reading them with the second), however the screenplay removes many of the complexities so you don’t, as one wag put it, need a spreadsheet to keep all the magic straight. For non aficionados like me this was perfect.

For actors Daniel Radcliffe, Rubert Grint, and Emma Watson who were in their early teens when this series of movies began a decade ago, this was a coming of age. All three have grown in their craft, guided by some of the greats of British acting, including Robbie Coltraine, Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith, Emma Thompson, Gary Oldman,  and a cast of supporting actors that reminded you of  “Masterpiece Theater.”

This is the best of the series. It brings everything together, it is dark, without being heavy. The special effects are super (I loved the dragon and the snake) but then, why wouldn’t they be, surrounded by all that magic.

There is not a doubt how this film will end, but director David Yates takes us there with a smoothness and cunning that still keeps us just a bit in doubt as to whether the trio can pull it off.  Anyone who can watch Harry, Ron and Hermine send their children off from platform 9 3/4 to Horwarts without a tear in their eye just doesn’t get it.

Go see the Deathly Hallows and give a fond fairwell to our favorite wizard.


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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