Give Thanks for Canadians


Give Thanks for Canadians

In the post below I noted that Canadian Thanksgiving was not up to American Thanksgiving. In doing so, I offended, I understand, millions of Canadians world wide. This is strange, since my wife is Canadian and I have many dear friends north of the 49th parallel and have actually been in Canada on the second Monday in October which means it shares the date with Columbus day and Indigenous people’s day. It didn’t seem as big a deal to me as Thanksgiving in the US.

However, I have been wrong before and yield to those who have written to me explaining the origins of Canadian Thanksgiving (earlier and more European than American) and that those in Canada have much to be thankful for, thank you very much.

So this year I will be eating crow rather than turkey, in solidarity with my Canadian friends and relative.

Happy Thanksgiving, Canadian and American


Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

One Response

  1. Yes, you may! This is a country fnuoded on Judeo-Christian values. To secularize a holiday that holds so much significance for so many people is disheartening and repressive. To my Muslim friends I say happy Ramadan and to my Jewish friends, Happy Hanukkah.

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