Google Parking Lot the Next Affordable Housing Tract


Google Parking Lot the Next Affordable Housing Tract

Google’s not just a website we go to ask questions about metrics, diseases we are afraid we might have, and how to spell “accommodate” (two c’s and two m’s), it’s also an actual office complex where employees live like kings. Sure they work a billion hours a week, but they get free food, free access to gyms, haircuts, and colonoscopies without leaving the Google compound – OK, I made up the colonoscopy part. Now according to, the Google campus parking structure is the latest in luxury campsites. More than one Google employee has set up camp in the parking area.

One “guy lived in the camper for two to three years. Showered at the gym. Did his laundry on campus. Ate every meal on campus he could. After the two to three years, he had saved up enough money to buy a house.”

It’s an ingenious idea, but not surprising given the heavy amenities at the Google site. The Bay area doesn’t make it easy to pay for housing or commute to work, so it makes sense to pitch a tent near the office. For now, it’s mostly single guys pushing the limits, because nobody wants a family with small children putting up their swing set in parking area, but think of the possibilities.

The company didn’t respond when Business Insider reached out about Brandon’s living situation. The Googlers write that they haven’t been actively discouraged from living on campus.

I know there are lots of campsites out there and in countries like Japan you can rent a little cube to sleep in for the night, but the parking lot sleepover is a whole other thing.

Read the article here.

Picture of John Van Horn

John Van Horn

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