This concept raises it’s head from time to time. Now Kentucky is considering a bill to allow pregnant women and those with children under 1 year to park in handicapped reserved spaces. Naturally the handicapped folks are up in arms.
The idea is that there are hardly enough handicapped spaces now, and if pregnant and those with young children should park in the truly handicapped won’t have space.
I will reprise what I think. I think that stores that features products that appeal to the pregnant and young children (babies r us, drug stores, grocery stores, etc), can if they like, pay for spots near their shops and have them marked for the pregnant or new moms. I cannot for the life of me see where this is something in which the state should be involved.
Why should the local hardware store or men’s clothing store pay for parking spaces for pregnant women? Makes no sense to moi.
Let the free market handle it. In this picture Babies r us reserved spots for their customers. Good PR, good marketing. So be it. The assemblymen and women should stay out of it.