Columbia, SC, is attacking handicapped cheaters with a new law. Read all about it here. The idea is that handicapped permits would have to have the person’s picture on them. That’s a start. The law is also listing the reasons doctors can use to issue the permit in the first place. They are also, I think, ensuring that the doctor’s names can be cross checked to ensure they actually signed the application.
Hey, it’s a good start. This has always been a problem for me. In most cases, Handicapped people park for a reduced rate or for free. This makes the placards as good as gold. I’m not sure why they should be parking for free. Most handicapped people I know need the wider spaces near the entrance for “access” not because they are free.
If the handicapped paid for parking like everyone else, there would be no traffic in handicapped permits. Those truly needy, whether handicapped or not, should have another way to avoid paying for parking. The handicapped permit should not be it.
2 Responses
I noticed that when I look thru areas for Handicap citations. If you just run the placard Number, You will find out that the placards can be replaced, deceased or inactive.. That will catch the cheaters quick….. I do Parking Enforcement and this helps me confiscate them faster…..
I think even if the Handicapped paid for parking, there would still be a premium for the closer spaces , and thus abuse of handicap permits (you see abuse at shopping malls with free parking). On average, the income of the handicapped is probably lower than average, so this is really an equity issue, and one can argue this is a small benefit for people’s whose lives are in general more difficult.